The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the 'Living Infinite'...
The globe began with sea, so to speak; and who knows if it will not end with it? In it is supreme tranquility.

- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

🪸 Thalassic 🪸

Humanoid characters who live underwater, sharing cultures and aesthetics from the 18th and 19th century.
My characters are mainly set in the grand duke's palace as they are mostly royals or nobles.

The Planet

The planet is only made of water and there is no mainland, consequently the vast majority of animals are missing. However, certain plants adapted to replace trees and reached the surface millions of years ago, this way it is possible to also breathe outside the water, although it brings no use to the humanoids as they rarely dare to reach the surface and observe the sky.
The sea ecosystem remains almost the same though, except for animals like seals, salt fish, crocodiles etc. which do not exist. Other underwater creatures aren’t always as accurate as they are in real life.

(Illnesses, animals, plants, or environments won’t always resemble real things. Keep it in mind).


Each nation has its own government. For example, under the Orcinus royal family the kingdom is ruled by an absolute monarch. The Melanopterus family is a grand duchy, instead.

Royals' names use their scientific name to be presented.

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Characters' Profiles
Thalassic Theme Playlist
Melanopterus' Palace Aesthetic


  • Arthur loves paintings and sculptures. He used to paint when he was younger to help himself cope with what he was going through.

  • Humanoids don't have our typical weather. Yet, there are conditions that can resemble storms, snow or other events. (Not all of this events are fictional).

  • "Is your oc easily bothered by things?" Arthur doesn't get bothered easily because he has bigger things to be angry about; Sorel and Hansjörg are bothered by the silliest things, like an unexpected change of plans, incoherent thoughts or someone who pretends they don't hear them. However the first one tries to get over it, the second is ready to start a fight; Eleanor has a similar reaction to both Sorel and Hansjörg but it depends to her mood and how close to heart the topic is.

  • Arthur's servants are mostly humanoid remora remora.

  • "What attracts your character to another person?" For Arthur, someone who has a personality close to his. He enjoys the company of people who speak their mind when needed, have solid arguments, talk little and overall someone who he has a chance to know slowly; Eleanor likes to have lots of conversations so whoever has an interesting topic is on her list, however she's mostly attracted to anyone who inspires her confidence or shows to be gentle and amiable underneath their public image; Although Sorel might give off a stoic appearance, he has a soft heart and finds shelter within people who share his same character trait. Strangers who secretly hide their fiery nature under their benevolent and good-natured appearance fascinate him, although they sometimes come out to be worthless human beings.

  • Humanoids care a lot about hygiene so they clean themselves a lot. Shrimps, cleaner fish and sometimes remora too have a major role in this and they aren't necessarily only humanoids.

  • Before they married, Arthur often visited Eleanor to give her gifts and take her on walks in the nearby woods without her brother or father to know. The young king also wrote her many letters.

  • Cyril witnessed his cousin's death before his very eyes. The food he ate was poisoned.

  • Sorel starts to speak in his native language when he's angry or stressed.

  • Eleanor wasn't too interested in Arthur at first but after some time she viewed him under a different light. After they married however, she began to suspect of Arthur's loyalty and affection because of his constant pushing away when sex was involved. She was so conflicted that she tried to find confort in Arthur's secretary, who took advantage of the situation and attempted to get close to her, although the duchess refused any attention from him. In the end, those actions didn't go unnoticed by Arthur and he and his wife had to come to a confrontation. It wasn't pleasant and they both needed some time but everything got better in the end.

  • Under Arthur's power the death penalty was abolished.

  • Same sex couples weren't as a big threat as it was in our society back in the day, however there are a lot of people who do not accept them and may request the couple to be punished, usually with hard labour for around a year or two. Talking about Arthur's grand duchy, same sex intercorse is tolerated and it is not punished. Of course, not everyone agrees with this.

  • Women are almost as equal as men, however there are still some restrictions. For example, they cannot work unless under particular circumstances, they cannot always share their opinion, especially in special environments and they can't be the head of the family. There are also some individuals who will not listen to what the law says and will treat them poorly.

  • Sorel doesn't like orcas. He thinks they are smug, jerks and don't have any appreciation for Nature (some even practice cannibalism).

  • Humanoids coexist with underwater creatures way more than we do. You won't see sharks, dolphin or other large animals swimming around cities everyday but you can still find underwater counterpart of birds, pigeons and rats. There are also a lot of cleaner fish.

  • Arthur told Cyril about his father murder.

  • Cyril does not have any friends. The people he feels close to are his father and Sorel, however the latter seems to not show the same affection the prince does and it doesn't go unnoticed. Arthur brought this up to Sorel, asking to be gentle with Cyril and this hit him quite a bit. Because of his beliefs and concerns, he doesn't wish to grow closer to the future king, however due to his benevolent soul, it makes him feel ashamed of himself for how distant he acted and most of the time he isn't sure on what to do. He tries and Cyril appreciates it.

  • Sorel's parents (his father mostly) have been begging him to marry but he has never answered to their pleading. At this point, Sorel's father seem to be be forced to marry him off with someone of his choosing.

  • Cyril hates when Sorel leaves the palace for a week or two because he knows he'll spend time with Arthur, which means they'll have politic lessons all week and occasionally attend formal meetings together.

  • Cyril doesn't display any interest in sexual intercourse. It is unclear whether it's due to the environment he grew up in (Arthur being asexual and the rare conversations about the topic), a lack of desire or a dysfunction.

  • Humanoids are mostly peaceful creatures who start wars if it's their last resort.

  • The Orcinus royal family are known for being tall. They are also hostile monarchs.

  • Hansjörg is "occasionally" bisexual. By that I mean he's sexually attracted to women however it doesn't bother him to sleep with men for pleasure only.

  • Cyril used to make excuses, such as being afraid of storms, to sleep close to his dad (and he knew this).

  • Arthur used to slap his son when he was younger whenever he wasn't behaving well or to show him discipline when the child would get bossy. This lasted a few years, then Arthur stopped. He would still show authority to the kid with menacing looks or "small slaps behind his head" for the same reasons but he wasn't as strict as before. As of now, he doesn't raise his hands anymore. (Note that this was common behavior in the 1800s).

  • Arthur doesn't have any plans to arrange a marriage for the prince, however he does have a bit of pressure from remarkable dukes and his brother, offering the hand of their daughters to the young prince.

  • Eleanor's brother blamed Arthur for his sister's death. He thought the sire didn't take good care of her when she was sick, that's why he has refused, all this years, to see him or be associated with him; Despite that, many years later he would decide to visit his brother-in-law, mainly to see how he and his nephew were doing. He would still hold resentment towards Arthur but has since then moved on. Cyril hasn't been told his mother had a brother so when the duke invited him to his estate, he didn't think much of it. After this, Eleanor's brother wouldn't be hear from again.

  • Arthur is ace but not aromantic. He never truly experienced strong romantic feelings and Eleanor was more of a desire to have someone near him (although this doesn't really mean he didn't love her in a romantic way.) As of now, he isn't looking for a new partner. Even if he ever finds someone who would make him feel love, he wouldn't be eager to entrain a relationship.

  • Arthur, Cyril and Sorel are polyglot. They all know English, French and Italian. Sorel is also fluent in Latin.

  • Before his mother died, Cyril was closer to her than his father. It took him quite a while to get used to live with his dad alone. He missed her.

  • Hansjörg steals biscuits from the royal kitchen when everyone is sleeping.

  • Cyril has an unique way to show affection. He isn't fond of saying "I love you" (romantically or platonically) and often shows his affection through actions. One peculiar way he shows this is by "wagging" his tail. It's a slow wag movement he only feels comfortable in doing when he's with his dad.

  • The young prince used to be scared of things like crabs or hermit crabs when he was young but his father showed him there was nothing to be scared of.

  • Sailfish fin opens and closes mostly for swimming purposes but in humanoids it opens when they experience strong emotions such as surprise, anger, fear etc. (this can be applied to any fish who can control their dorsal fin).

  • Cyril resembles his grandfather a lot in terms of personality, although the prince is ten times better than that mad man.

  • Face marking in humanoids are more common than pale skin.

  • Arthur is from the old generation (1700s), he sometimes takes his walking cane with him when visiting people.

  • All humanoids have a negative buoyancy, which means they are likely to sink if they aren't actively swimming. Reason why all of them walk on the ocean floor instead of swimming.

  • Ocean humanoids use dead/replica sand dollars as currency.

  • Melanopterus royal family tree: